★The third Newspaper CCBC

•The main meeting of the Advanced Level students will be held on 07.09.2020 at the main hall under the guidance of the Principal.

• 09 grade special parents meeting.
    GCE Advanced Level for Grade 09 students who are hoping to pursue education in Grades 10 and 11 in the years 2020/2022. (O / L) Special Parents' Meeting to raise awareness on the subjects to be selected to successfully break the bar on 08/09/2020 8.30 am in the main hall of the college with the presence of the parents / guardians.
     The main objective of this program is to make parents and students aware of the 03 added subject subjects in addition to the 06 main subjects in the O / L stream.

•A special concept of the principal, a special book testing program for school children is to be implemented from 09.14.
Accordingly, every day in a randomly selected class, a group of randomly selected children are to check all the books in the complete book bag.
At that time the child should have all the exercise books and textbooks relevant to the schedule of the day and all the exercise books should be marked correctly and incorrectly by the teacher.

• 2019 year GCE The school was reopened on September 03, 2020 for students who sat for the O / L examination.
    Then they had to be allocated for new A / L classes according to the subjects they selected according to the results obtained at the GCE Ordinary Level Examination.

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